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~ By Courtesy of Others ~

Having Offered

In dark of night, beneath the stars
By fireside, under torchlight
I stood with Horn, brimful of mead
To speak to gods, words from my heart

I greeted Wights, of land and sky
I spoke to earth, air, rain and flame
To give them thanks, for wealth of world
To let them know, I know their worth

I hailed my Kin, both Here and Not
My Forebears gone, on Final Walk
Those who can still, hear and respond
They shaped my form, mind, heart and life

I drank to gods, Uller, Thor, Frey
Whose stories do, give me some strength
That they might look, upon my friends
And bless them well, in time of woe

And finally, I spoke to Her
Both dark and light, both death and life
And also to, kind-hearted Eir
That final days, might end with ease

And then a few, words of my own
To Sky and Flame, to Gods and Wights
That I might live, and learn, and ween
To become best, for Faith and Folk

In dark of night, beneath the stars
By fireside, under torchlight
I stood with Horn, brimful of mead
To speak to gods, words from my heart

© Stefn Ullarsson Piparskeggr

Catamount Grange Hearth  .  Poetry books by Pipaskeggr at Cafepress.com

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